Welcome to the
Atomic Messages Foundation!
Connecting you to the Healing Energies
of the 118 Atomic Elements


This website describes the amazing discoveries made by the Atomic Messages Foundation, a group of spiritually-guided psychics and energy healers from the Boston area. Starting in 2003, AMF began tuning in to the 118 Elements of the Periodic Table, and discovered that each of the Elements brings a Spiritual Gift and Healing Message for humanity. (AMF calls these the "Element Messages" or "Atomic Messages".)

This website explains what's in the Element Messages, and how you can connect to and benefit from the spiritual information and Healing Power each Element Message brings us.

(A reminder:  “Elements” can also refer to the “4 elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.”  This website is not about those “4 elements.”  It is about the deeper meanings of the 118 atomic elements, which scientists arrange in the “Periodic Table of the Elements.”)


Scientists explain that the 118 Atomic Elements--
carbon, oxygen, gold, silver, iron, silicon, hydrogen, mercury, nitrogen, uranium, etc.--
are the “building-blocks” of our physical universe

The Atomic Messages Foundation has discovered that
the 118 elements also vibrate energy patterns
which are the "energetic building-blocks" for our human personalities, relationships, and behavior.

Each of the 118 Elements vibrates a specific activity or quality — such as Love, Creativity, Courage, Generosity, Integrity, Purposefulness, Compassion, Humor, Forgiveness, Peacefulness, etc.
And we can develop and express these 118 different
Spiritual Personality Patterns in our own lives.

AMF's work does not contradict science it builds on our scientific understanding of the 118 elements and adds a deeper dimension to it. (You might call it a "spiritual dimension.) You may relate to AMF's work either as a new scientific approach or as a spiritual exploration. It's up to you.

Here is more about what AMF discovered:

  1. Each of the 118 Elements in the Periodic Table vibrates a Healing Message and a Spiritual Gift for humanity that we can express in our human personalities.
  2. Now that AMF has put the Elements' Healing Messages and Spiritual Gifts into words, anyone can interact with these 118 Element Messages, for information, guidance, and healing.
  3. Connecting to the Element Messages can help us better understand ourselves and other people.
  4. The Element Messages can help us improve our personal lives.
  5. The Element Messages can give us guidance about what actions to take when going through challenges or facing difficult times.
  6. And the Element Messages can help us bring greater peace, love, and healing to our larger world.

You can learn about all this and more, through the activities and publications of the Atomic Messages Foundation.

For more about the Elements' Spiritual Personality Patterns, Imbalances, and Healing Powers, see the ATOMIC MESSAGES page.

AMF's Powerful New Training Program:

Become an "Atomic-Messages Reader"!
Learn how to do Element Personality-Readings and Guidance-Readings, for yourself and for your clients, for greater self-understanding and self-development, better relationships, spiritual guidance, and healing.